Showing posts with label web development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web development. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Creative Multimedia Programming

Creative Multimedia programming site with informaiton on multimedia programming, web design, web development, 3d modelling and animation, UI design and more

Welcome to the wonderful world of Creative Multi Media Programming!

The HDip in Creative Multimedia Programming is a multi-disciplinary course run by LIT at the Moylish campus, Limerick.
Creative Multimedia Programming covers a multitude of subjects to give the student a very broad introduction to the world of multimedia programming. The subjects covered on the course are as follows: 
Semester 1 

3D Graphics: using the 3D MAX studio, a useful link: 3DS Max 2016 Essential Training 

Web Programming: JavaScript and Jquery, a useful link: W3 Schools 

Web Development: HTML5, CSS3, Research and Design, a useful link: HTML5 Rocks 

Interaction Design: UI Design principles, Photoshop, Illustrator, IntuiFace, a useful link: IntuiFace Tutorial 

Digital Video: Principals of the visual language and aesthetics of film, basic cinematic composition, film crew responsibilities, planning shot sequences, location scouting, video editing with Premier Pro, a useful link:  Mastering Film

Mulitmedia Database Systems and  Design: ER Diagrams, Normalization, SQL, phpMyAdmin, a useful link: phpMyAdmin
Semester 2
Advanced Web Programming: PHP, Codeignitor, XML, Web Services, a useful link: PHP tutorial
Evolving Web Technologies: Responsive Web Design, Flexbox, Bootstrap, SEO, a useful link:Responsive Web Design Tutorial
Project Management:  Critical Path Analysis, Project Scope Creep, Leadership, Motivation, Gantt Charts, Risk Management, Team Building,  a useful link: Institute of Project Management
FYP Project:   Research, interpretation, design, project management and multimedia technology and programming, build a working multimedia website, a useful link: FYP blog
Interaction Interface Design: Portfolio, Branding, Behance , Issu, Process of Interaction Design, Need-finding, Use Case research, lo-fi prototypes on Balsamiq, hi-fi prototypes on Axure, a useful link: Online Portfolio